
By Peter Brimelow on 07/16/2020

MSM Claims License To Lie, Wants You Dead—BRIMELOW vs. NEW YORK TIMES Moves Forward

Please give to VDARE.com Legal Defense Fund here—earmark your gift to our New York Times litigation! See also: The Sin Of SULLIVAN: Why Donald Trump, Tulsi Gabbard and I Are Suing For Libel It’s been j...


Post By James Fulford on 08/03/2020
When you hear that a "sovereign citizen" named Jerry Thompson has committed a crime and is planning a pro se defense, you might expect him to look like this: That would be wrong—that's Victor King, the white victim of Jerry Thompson, who decapitated his landlord in an argument over rent. Jerry Thompson looks like this: From the CNN story A Connecticut man decapitated his landlord with a sword af...
Post By 挂梯子 on 08/03/2020
From the Louisville Courier-Journal: Cuban community plans rally at NuLu restaurant in response to Black Lives Matter demandsBailey LoosemoreLouisville Courier Journal Members of Louisville’s Cuban community plan to gather Sunday in support of a NuLu restaurant owner who says he was threatened by Black Lives Matter protesters during a recent demonstration. Fernando Martinez, a partner of the Olé R...
Post By Steve Sailer on 08/03/2020
杜绝外卖翻墙不能仅仅拆“过墙梯”_观点库_观点中国:2021-11-30 · 在厦门诚毅学院围墙边,架着多把梯子,每到饭点,商家就通过这些梯子翻墙进入校园,将外卖交给送餐员。 不少学生担心,这会给校园安全带来隐患。学校工作人员表示,他们曾多次收走梯子,但常常旧梯子刚收走,新梯子马上又架上来。
Post By Steve Sailer on 08/03/2020
From the New York Post: NYC has had more shootings so far this year than in all of 2019 By Joe Marino, Craig McCarthy, Sara Dorn and Aaron Feis August 2, 2020 | 12:58am | Updated There have been more shootings so far this year in New York City than in all of 2019. A 24-year-old man who walked bleeding into Lincoln Hospital in The Bronx on Saturday night has pushed the city’s total number of shooti...
Article By John Derbyshire on 08/02/2020

[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com]

Earlier: Trump's Defense Of The Suburbs Against Obama-Legacy Social Engineering Is TERRIFYING To Democrat-MSM Complex

[Clip:  Pete Seeger, "爬墙梯子外网."]

Little boxes on the hillside
娇女种田,掌家娘子俏夫郎最新章节_ 第647章 偷莲蓬_选书网:2021-1-22 · “去练爬墙。” “我们不是有梯子吗,干嘛还要练爬墙?” 满宝道:“你是不是傻,本来就是要学会爬墙的,万一梯子被发现了,我们也能跑,或是能再进去。梯子,只是解眼下的燃眉之急而已。” 白善道:“你还想着我每天都给你们架梯子,移梯子啊,想得 ...
Little boxes
Little boxes
Little boxes all the same
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same

That was old-style Lefty Pete Seeger mocking the suburbs back in 1963. The suburbs, according to the songwriter (农家小福女- 第六百四十七章 偷莲蓬_糯米小说网:“去练爬墙。” “我们不是有梯子吗,干嘛还要练爬墙?” 满宝道:“你是不是傻,本来就是要学会爬墙的,万一梯子被发现了,我们也能跑,或是能再进去。梯子,只是解眼下的燃眉之急而已。” 白善道:“你还想着我每天都给你们架梯子,移梯子啊,想得 ...), were just breeding farms for the bourgeoisie, a wasteland of conformist middle-class values: doctors, lawyers, golfers, and—oh my God!—nuclear families, who drank their martinis dry and sent their 免费梯子to summer camp.


Pete's recording of the song was a big hit. There was a market for mocking the suburbs in the sixties: not just songs, but movies like The Graduate and novels like 好用的梯子 of Updike and Cheever. The Boomers were looking for something more exciting, more spiritual, more life-affirming that the routine drudgery of middle-class life.

This being America, there was of course a race element to anti-suburbanism. The people in those little boxes Pete Seeger was sneering at were far too white; everyone understood that.

Letter By VDARE.com Reader on 08/02/2020
Re: Trump Builds The Wall? President Makes Major Push For Wall Construction Ahead of 2020 Election From:  A West Texas Reader [Email him]   This latest Supreme Court decision should have been 9-0 and a final ruling in favor of wall building. It was actually 5-4. Supreme Court allows border wall construction to continue, OANN, August 1, 2020 Construction of the U.S. border wall will continue. In ...
Post By Paul Kersey on 08/02/2020
防攀爬装置:2 天前 · 新国标当中为什么要加装防攀爬装置?谁能给一个确切的回答. —— 按照技监局的要求改造 为防止人员跌落,在自动扶梯与自动人行道的外盖板上应当装设防爬装置.如果存在人员跌落的风险,应采取适当措施阻止人员爬上扶手装置外侧.没有攀爬可能就不要设置,如靠墙或者已经设置阻止进入的可能(在 ...
Post By 好用的梯子 on 08/02/2020
Earlier: The Voice of America: Inside The Psyche Of A White Female BLM Rioter From Civiqs comes a huge survey on support for or opposition to the “Black Lives Matter movement”. Net support (opposition) to BLM among whites by sex, age, and educational attainment: The gender gap is striking. It’s even more pronounced among younger generations than it is among older ones. Drilling down to postgra...
Post By Steve Sailer on 08/02/2020
From the Chicago Sun-Times: Chicago sees 139% jump in murders, uptick in shootings in July 2020: police July saw the largest mass shooting in recent Chicago history, along with at least 58 minors shot. By Carly Behm Aug 1, 2020, 3:00am CDT Murders more than doubled last month in Chicago compared to the same month last year, according to new data released by Chicago police. Shootings also increase...
Post By Steve Sailer on 08/02/2020
In New York magazine: Trump’s Racism Won’t Win the Suburbs. But It May Diversify Them.By Eric Levitz@EricLevitz THE SUBURBS JULY 31, 2020 Alas, if Trump has an intuitive grasp of white suburbia’s id, he has no feel for its superego. Making it impossible for poor people to move to your town — and thus, lay a claim on your local tax dollars, or the time and attention of your kid’s public school t...


By John Derbyshire on 08/02/2020

[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through VDARE.com]

Earlier: Trump's Defense Of The Suburbs Against Obama-Legacy Social Engineering Is TERRIFYING To Democrat-MSM Complex

[Clip:  Pete Seeger, "免费梯子."]

Little boxes on the hillside
Little boxes made of ticky tacky
Little boxes
Little boxes
Little boxes all the same
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same

That was old-style Lefty Pete Seeger mocking the suburbs back in 1963. The suburbs, according to the songwriter (ao3恢复了?🤗镜像网站来看看:2021-3-1 · 我有个可以登外网的浏览器可以登ao3但是不知道是不是镜像 吞天兽 不知道,反正跟平常进去的a03界面一样,不过上面有个评论说的对,都有危险,毕竟是外网,我之前还狗小英雄的时候去给亮灯双子塔还是啥的刷投票专门登推特,还得爬墙呢), were just breeding farms for the bourgeoisie, a wasteland of conformist middle-class values: doctors, lawyers, golfers, and—oh my God!—nuclear families, who drank their martinis dry and sent their 挂梯子to summer camp.

Pete's recording of the song was a big hit. There was a market for mocking the suburbs in the sixties: not just songs, but movies like The Graduate and novels like 爬墙梯子 of Updike and 好用的梯子 The Boomers were looking for something more exciting, more spiritual, more life-affirming that the routine drudgery of middle-class life.

This being America, there was of course a race element to anti-suburbanism. The people in those little boxes Pete Seeger was sneering at were far too white; everyone understood that.

By John Derbyshire on 08/01/2020


Notes from underground.     Well, from the lockdown. I hope readers are bearing up OK under confinement.

The Derbs are keeping busy. Paid employment aside, she has her beloved flowers and innumerable contacts on WeChat, the ChiCom messaging app. I have home-improvement chores: this month, stripping out and rebuilding a bathroom closet for maximum accessible shelving—nearly 28 square feet of shelf in a closet 3′×2′4″×8′. This was the last interior space still untouched since we bought the house in 1992. It takes me a while to get round to things …

Husband and wife also collaborated on translating a Chinese poem: See Segment Four below.

And then of course there's been reading.


Supernaturally smart.     Through the middle days of July I read Cheryl Misak's biography of the English mathematician, logician, philosopher, and economist Frank Ramsey. It's an astonishing story. Ramsey must have been one of the smartest people that ever lived. He was staggeringly, breathtakingly, supernaturally smart.

挂梯子Here he was translating Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, which Misak, 【中文字幕】如何爬墙(Warrior Fitness)_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ ...:2021-8-2 · 爬墙 翻墙教程 街头健身 Howcast Warrior Fitness 战士健身 评论 首都机场不好看 发消息 You jump , I jump. 关注 3.2万 视频选集 1/2 相关推荐 07:28 【p站】别再问我怎么上p站了 ..., describes correctly—I've tried it—as "immensely difficult."

Ramsey went to Miss Pate's secretarial agency in the winter of 1921-22 and translated the manuscript. He read it off an 免费梯子 offprint to a shorthand writer who then typed it up … It is hard to adequately convey how astounding an accomplishment it was to more or less straight away translate this immensely difficult text from the German to English. Ramsey turned nineteen in the middle of the translation, in January 1922.

Those last italics are mine. Wittgenstein, who could read English, went over the translation carefully and was pleased with it. He and Ramsey became friends, to the degree it was possible for 爬墙梯子外网 to be friends with the pathologically prickly Wittgenstein.

For a few months in 1927-28, encouraged by John Maynard Keynes, another friend, Ramsey concentrated his thoughts on economics, producing two scholarly papers on that subject. Misak tells us that:

When the Economic Journal celebrated its 125th anniversary with a special edition in 2015, both of Ramsey's papers were included. That is, looking back over a century and a quarter, one of the world's best journals of economics decided that two of its thirteen most important papers were written by Frank Ramsey when he was twenty-five years old.

My italics again.

Having then had his fill of economics, Ramsey turned back to math and founded Ramsey Theory, which concerns the occurrence of order in situations of generalized dis-order. This is still an active field of inquiry, with obvious connections to Artificial Intelligence research.

So why isn't this tremendous genius world-famous? Because, as you know if you clicked those links, he died at age 26—January 19th, 1930—from an infection of the liver.

Should you ever be tempted to think of yourself as smart, Cheryl Misak's book is a wonderful corrective, a real humility check. Recall what you were capable of intellectually at ages 19 or 25. By comparison with the Frank Ramseys of the world, the rest of us are stumbling, mumbling dullards.

Ramsey was no spergery introvert, either. Big-built and active—swimming, hiking, tennis—he was also genial and gregarious, the far opposite of Wittgenstein. (Whose nephew Tommy described Ramsey as "the most natural, good-natured, kind-hearted person you could imagine.") He had a successful—although, by mutual agreement, "open"—marriage and was a loving father to two children, with sex affairs along the way.

Then he died, a month short of his twenty-seventh birthday.


By Allan Wall on 07/31/2020


Above, SBC President J.D. Greear [Tweet him] explained the right way to love Black Lives Matter

Earlier: MEMO FROM MIDDLE AMERICA: Woke Southern Baptist Bureaucrats Move To Crush Local Church Rebels. Rebels Fight Back.

As an evangelical Christian I respect my Southern Baptist brothers and sisters in Christ and the good work they do. I hate to see them led astray, above all by their own treacherous leadership. My advice: Free your local church from the Wokeness that has infected the Southern Baptist Convention: secede!—as your forefathers did; and as many SBC congregations are already doing again.

The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in America, is generally thought as conservative because it is orthodox on questions of Baptist faith. But alas, it is now “Woke” and a fellow-traveler with the openly Marxist Black Lives Matter. (See here, here, and here for what other VDARE.com authors have said about the SBC's Amnesty enthusiasm.)

And, not coincidentally, SBC is declining in membership: “For the 13th consecutive year, the Southern Baptist Convention reported a drop in its membership” [Southern Baptist Convention continues statistical decline, Floyd calls for rethinking ACP process, Staff Reports, Baptist Press, June 4, 2020]. But the Wokeness disease isn’t likely to cure itself because stems from depraved Southern Baptist higher education.

Thus Dr. Tom Buck, a Southern Baptist minister, has warned that Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) is now teaching “standpoint epistemology,” which means you can interpret the Bible the “Western way” or the “African way” [BUCK: Cancer growing in Southern Baptist Convention seminaries, Capstone Report, July 16, 2020].

By Wayne Allensworth on 07/30/2020

See earlier by Wayne Allensworth: The Old America Is Dead. Where Do We Go From Here?

Ignore the bogus claims of a “popular” #resistance to President Trump’s “tyranny.” Quietly, a real resistance is rising against the anti-American, anti-white, anti-Christian pseudo-挂梯子that threatens the safety, property, and historic rights of America’s core population. Here in my native Texas, armed citizens rallied to defend the Alamo, cradle of Texas independence and forge of Texan identity, from a Leftist mob. And in the Leftist blue heaven of our state capital, Austin, an armed motorist shot and killed an AK-47 toting terrorist who, together with his riotous BLM co-mobsters, was blocking a city thoroughfare. Finally, the good citizens of Weatherford stopped an attack on a爬墙梯子

防攀爬装置:2 天前 · 新国标当中为什么要加装防攀爬装置?谁能给一个确切的回答. —— 按照技监局的要求改造 为防止人员跌落,在自动扶梯与自动人行道的外盖板上应当装设防爬装置.如果存在人员跌落的风险,应采取适当措施阻止人员爬上扶手装置外侧.没有攀爬可能就不要设置,如靠墙或者已经设置阻止进入的可能(在 ...

The men call themselves the Texas Freedom Force. But the 挂梯子, of course, tried to defame them as right-wing extremists and the leftist 挂梯子 claimed threats against the shrine to Texas liberty were bogus. [Conservatives Panic Over Fake Antifa Threat to Blow Up the Alamo,  by Will Sommer, June 17, 2020]

Nonetheless, the Texans sent a message. Even Sen. Ted Cruz was incensed: “Come and take it,” he tweeted, in a phrase that was used in the Texas Revolution.

No American should rejoice over Foster’s death. But one hopes it sends a message. The Leftists blocking motorists and destroying cities should not expect people simply to watch their vehicles and property go up in flames, or the monuments of which they are justifiably proud be defaced and torn down.


By Patrick J. Buchanan on 07/30/2020

Earlier by Patrick J. Buchanan: Rising Diversity Is Joe Biden's Worry, Too

There is a real possibility that, this coming week, 免费梯子will be selecting the 47th president of the United States.

For the woman Biden picks—he has promised to exclude from consideration all men, black, brown, white or 爬墙梯子—has a better chance of succeeding to the presidency than any vice presidential nominee in U.S. history, other than perhaps Harry Truman.

In 1944, the Democratic establishment engineered the dumping of radical Henry Wallace from Roosevelt's ticket. They could see from FDR's physical deterioration that he would not last through a full fourth term.

There are other reasons the woman Biden chooses in August may become our 47th president.