
Negotiations continue on Capitol Hill, but the parties are far apart.




The confident depiction by politicians and companies that a vaccine is imminent may give people unrealistic beliefs about how soon the world can return to normal — and may spark resistance to simple strategies to tamp down transmission.
The Bay Area is now seeing rising case numbers throughout the region. (Melina Mara/The Post)


The Bay Area’s progressive residents generally have been inclined to follow the rules. But more than four months after the region put some of the nation’s first shelter-in-place orders in effect, it has become a cautionary tale for government and health officials.


Longtime allies are concerned the process is pitting women, especially Black women, against one another.
Grady County Sheriff Harry Young perches outside a polling location in the small southwest Georgia town of Cairo. (Mark Wallheiser for The Post)
Republican candidate Duke Donaldson greets supporters while vying to become the county’s first African American sheriff. (Mark Wallheiser for The Post)
At nightfall, as the voting picture becomes clearer, Harry Young studies the board. (Mark Wallheiser for The Post)


The Grady County, Ga., election has become a referendum not just on another four-year term for Harry Young but on all he’s come to represent in a county where the face of law enforcement had always been White and male.
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  • Monday, Aug 03 at 2PM EDT
  • Tuesday, Aug 04 at 11AM EDT
A Trump sign hangs on a barn in River Falls, Wis. (Caroline Yang for The Post)


President Trump trails former vice president Joe Biden in almost all key states. Yet to some of Biden’s supporters, Trump’s dominant visibility is a warning sign.


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Kris Kobach, left, a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Kansas, speaks with supporters in Holton, Kan., last month (AP)

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After Anita Hill hearings in 1991, Biden began a long quest to redeem himself with women

Biden, who has vowed to pick a female running mate, has sometimes haltingly responded to the seismic shift toward women’s rights and protection from sexual harassment.


The altercation took place when Israeli troops spotted a four people placing explosive devices adjacent to a security fence.

Islamic State attack on Afghan prison stretches into its second day

The prison raid is the most sophisticated Islamic State attack in Afghanistan since the group formed there in 2015.
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Russia boasts of a low mortality rate. But in Dagestan, pneumonia and other causes were not part of pandemic totals.
Voice of America headquarters in Washington. (Andrew Harnik/AP)

With their visas in limbo, Voice of America journalists worry that they’ll be forced to leave U.S.

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A defense contractor died after a bar fight with Marines, and some see a crime. Others see an accident and overzealous prosecution.

Service members face manslaughter charges in death of a Special Forces veteran after a brawl in Iraq.

Military dogs attacked a handler in a Kaepernick jersey for museum event, sparking Navy probe

The National Navy SEAL Museum, a nonprofit that is not overseen by the Navy, held the event last year, the Navy said.
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The department store chain joins about a dozen iconic retailers that have succumbed to Chapter 11 protection during the pandemic.


Despite the ups and downs in the stock market, you still should invest for retirement. Here's some advice to help you feel less fearful.

Airlines, unions pin hopes for more payroll cash on politics

Unions are gaining support in Congress for another $32 billion in federal aid to protect airline workers from layoffs for another six months.
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Isaias to sweep from Carolinas to New England with heavy rains, storm surge and high winds

The storm is predicted to reach the Carolinas this evening and could dump 8 inches or more of rain in some locations. It will sweep into the Mid-Atlantic on Tuesday, likely as a tropical storm, and could bring 3 to 6 inches of rain to the D.C. area.


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All the president’s ‘Suburban Housewives’

Donald Trump’s retrograde appeals to suburban women reveal who he thinks is entitled to the American Dream.

‘The Swamp’ looks at political reform through the eyes of an unlikely hero: Rep. Matt Gaetz

HBO’s new documentary follows three quasi-contrarian House Republicans who bring the idealism but not the change.
(Washington Post illustration/iStock)

Should asking a stranger to take your photo go the way of the daguerreotype?

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