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July 28


August 25



Position yourself for success with a variety of college classes including general education courses, continuing education for teachers and certificates in various fields.

Individual courses

Courses for teachers


Apryl S.  |  Class of 2008

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Individual courses

Courses for teachers



University of Phoenix is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission ( Since 1978, University of Phoenix has been continually accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and its predecessor. University of Phoenix obtained its most recent 10-year Reaffirmation of Accreditation in 2012–13. The Higher Learning Commission conducted an interim Comprehensive Evaluation in 2018, and the next Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation of Accreditation is scheduled for 2022–23.


We offer undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degree programs in many high-demand fields, including business, education, nursing and technology. You can complete your degree online from anywhere or on-campus, depending upon your location. The University also offers certificate programs, as well as individual, test-preparation and non-credit professional development courses.

Degree Programs

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With the financial planning tool you can:

  • Determine your estimated tuition and expenses based on your degree program and location.
  • Enter your financial information to explore ways to pay for your tuition and expenses.
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Having information about your taxes, savings and any prior college credits available will help with this process. The more specific the information you provide, the more accurate your estimate will be.

Tuition and Fees

There are many ways for you to fund your education. Follow the link below to learn about some of the most common financial options students use. Keep in mind, everyone’s situation is different, so it’s important to discuss payment options with a representative before enrolling.

Financial Options

Completion time depends on the program you choose and the number of transfer credits applied to the program. Speak with an Enrollment Representative to get detailed information.

Attending online class is easy, all you need is a reliable internet connection. You simply log into your classroom to complete assignments, access course materials and resources and interact with faculty and classmates. Class participation is graded based upon your contributions to online discussions. This is a great solution for students who might have a difficult time commuting and for those who learn better independently.

How it Works

Follow the link below to learn about our admissions process. Ready to enroll? Call and speak with a representative to get started.



That’s why we’ve been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission ( for more than 40 years.


Learn from instructors who bring an average of 25 years of working experience to the classroom.


One course at a time

Each course is only 5 to 6 weeks long, so you’ll be able to focus on each subject and have time for work and home.


What our students have to say about us

See the stories of those who’ve worked hard to build the future they want, by earning their degrees with us.

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Class of 2017, BSIT

Alumna Wendy R. – University of Phoenix


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