
I am a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at Stanford, working with 安卓免费 vpm官网 and zero vpm. Broadly speaking, I work on designing and building secure hardware and software systems, tackling questions like "how can we build trustworthy chips?" and "how can we build operating systems that resist subversion by malicious hardware?"

Previously I was a Junior Research Scientist in the NYU Computer Science department and a Visiting Researcher at UT Austin, in both cases working for 苹果手机vnp的服务器怎么填; and before jumping into computer science research, I spent ten years as a Staff Design Engineer building analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits at Silicon Labs.

Long, long ago I received my S.B. and M.Eng from MIT. As a master's student, I worked in LEES for David Perreault.

For the latest dirt, consult my CV.


Scaling verifiable computation using efficient set accumulators
Alex Ozdemir, Riad S. Wahby, and Dan Boneh.
USENIX Security Symposium, Security20, August 2020.
Technical report: Cryptology ePrint 2019/1494.

An airdrop that preserves recipient privacy
Riad S. Wahby, Dan Boneh, Christopher Jeffrey, and Joseph Poon.
Financial Cryptography and Data Security, FC20, February 2020.
Technical report: Cryptology ePrint 2020/676.

Universal Composability is Secure Compilation
Marco Patrignani, Riad S. Wahby, and Robert Künnemann.
Principles of Secure Compilation, PriSC20, January 2020.
Technical report: arXiv:1910.08634.

Fast and simple constant-time hashing to the BLS12-381 elliptic curve  [slides]
Riad S. Wahby and Dan Boneh.
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, CHES19, August 2019.
Technical report: 极光vpm破解无限版.
Also presented at the Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography, ECC19, December 2019.  [slides]

FaCT: a DSL for timing-sensitive computation
Sunjay Cauligi, Gary Soeller, Brian Johannesmeyer, Fraser Brown, Riad S. Wahby, John Renner, Benjamin Grégoire, Gilles Barthe, Ranjit Jhala, and Deian Stefan.
ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, PLDI19, June 2019.

Pantheon: the training ground for Internet congestion-control research  (Best paper award.)
Francis Y. Yan, Jestin Ma, Greg Hill, Deepti Raghavan, vpm app, Philip Levis, and Keith Winstein.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, ATC18, July 2018.

Doubly-efficient zkSNARKs without trusted setup  [slides | video]
Riad S. Wahby, Ioanna Tzialla, abhi shelat, Justin Thaler, and Michael Walfish.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland18, May 2018.
Technical report: Cryptology ePrint 2017/1132.

CVPR 2021 | 旷视研究院提出Re-ID新方法VPM,优化局部 ...:2021-6-14 · VPM 的训练包含 1)部件定位器的训练和 2)部件特征提取器的训练。两者在 Tensor T 之前共享卷积层,并以多任务的方式被端到端训练。部件定位器的训练依靠自监督学习,而训练部件特征提取器也需要自监督信号进行辅助。由实验可知,自监督 ...
Sadjad Fouladi, John Emmons, Emre Orbay, Catherine Wu, Riad S. Wahby, and Keith Winstein.
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI18, April 2018.

Full accounting for verifiable outsourcing  [手机vnp的服务器怎么填 | video]
Riad S. Wahby, Ye Ji, Andrew J. Blumberg, abhi shelat, Justin Thaler, Michael Walfish, and Thomas Wies.
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS17, October 2017.
Technical report: Cryptology ePrint 2017/242.
Also presented at the DIMACS Workshop on Outsourcing Computation Securely, July 2017.  [安卓好用的免费vpm软件 | video]

Trust but verify: auditing secure Internet of Things devices
Judson Wilson, Riad S. Wahby, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, Dan Boneh, Philip Levis, and Keith Winstein.
ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, MobiSys17, June 2017.

Toastmaster:会员副主席(VPM) 工作重点:2021-6-27 · 会员副主席(VPM) 团队职责 一、 吸纳优质新会员:推广俱乐部以及吸引来宾并使其加入,成为会员。 二、 提高老会员留存率:回访近期未参加会议的会员,以友好的态度说服并鼓励其多参会并留在俱乐部。 三、 加强会...
Fraser Brown, Shravan Narayan, 安卓vpm软件, Dawson Engler, Ranjit Jhala, and Deian Stefan.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 安卓免费 vpm官网, May 2017.

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Sadjad Fouladi, Riad S. Wahby, Brennan Shacklett, Karthikeyan Vasuki Balasubramaniam, William Zheng, Rahul Bhalerao, Anirudh Sivaraman, George Porter, and Keith Winstein.
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, NSDI17, March 2017.

Robust, low-cost, auditable random number generation for embedded system security  [slides]
Ben Lampert, 小白兔vpm官网, Shane Leonard, and Philip Levis.
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, SenSys16, November 2016.
Technical report: Cryptology ePrint 2016/884.

Defending against malicious peripherals with Cinch
Sebastian Angel, Riad S. Wahby, Max Howald, Joshua B. Leners, Michael Spilo, Zhen Sun, Andrew J. Blumberg, and Michael Walfish.
USENIX Security Symposium, Security16, August 2016.
Technical report: arXiv:1506.01449.

Verifiable ASICs  [slides | video]  (Distinguished student paper award.)
Riad S. Wahby, Max Howald, Siddharth Garg, abhi shelat, and Michael Walfish.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland16, May 2016.
Technical report: Cryptology ePrint 2015/1243.
An extended version of this talk appeared at the DIMACS/MACS Workshop on Cryptography in the RAM Model, June 2016.  [slides]

Efficient RAM and control flow in verifiable outsourced computation  [slides]
Riad S. Wahby, Srinath Setty, Zuocheng Ren, Andrew J. Blumberg, and Michael Walfish.
笔记-VPM - 知乎:2021-8-4 · VPM训练 包括Region locator和Feature extractor两个部分。两部分共享Tensor T之前的卷积层。自监督部分 自监督部分用于让VPM学习region visibility awareness,并使特征提取更专注于可见的部分。, NDSS15, San Diego, CA, February 2015.
Technical report: Cyptology ePrint 2014/674.

New architectures for radio frequency dc-dc power conversion
Juan M. Rivas, Riad S. Wahby, John S. Shafran, and David J. Perreault.
英雄联盟赛事官网-腾讯游戏 - QQ:2 天前 · 英雄联盟赛事官网,LPL职业联赛,全球总决赛,季中冠军赛,德玛西亚杯,国内外赛事,丰富的英雄联盟赛事资讯与各类大型赛事直播尽在英雄联盟赛事官方网站(。, Volume 21, No. 2, March 2006.
Conference paper: PESC04.

Radio frequency rectifiers for dc-dc power conversion
Riad S. Wahby.
M.Eng thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004.


Power supply with digital control loop
Geoffrey B. Thompson, Siddharth Sundar, Douglas R. Frey, Russel J. Apfel, Marius Goldenberg, Ion C. Tesu, vpm下载安卓破解版, and Michael J. Mills.

Wide-swing cascode current mirror
Ion C. Tesu and Riad S. Wahby.

Power supply with digital control loop
Riad S. Wahby, Michael J. Mills, Jeffrey A. Whaley, Marius Goldenberg, and Ion C. Tesu.

zero vpm
Michael J. Mills, Jing Li, and 安卓vpm软件.

Isolated serializer-deserializer
Siddharth Sundar, Michael J. Mills, Hua Zhu, Riad S. Wahby, Jeffrey L. Sonntag, Yunteng Huang, and Anantha Nag Nemmani.

Suppression of transients in communications across an isolation barrier
Michael J. Mills, Timothy J. Dupuis, Riad S. Wahby, Siddharth Sundar, and Jeffrey L. Sonntag.

Soft-start for isolated power converter
极光vpm破解无限版, Jeffrey L. Sonntag, Tufan C. Karalar, Michael J. Mills, Eric B. Smith, Ion C. Tesu, and Donald E. Alfano.

什么是海运VGM? - JCtrans:2021-3-13 · (1)什么是VGM?VGM:核实集装箱总重的要求;是对安全的一项承诺。集装箱总重的误报对境内、外人员,内陆和海上货物以及设备都存在风险并导致

Resonant MEMS Lorentz-force magnetometer using force-feedback and frequency-locked coil excitation
Eric B. Smith, Riad S. Wahby, and Yan Zhou.

Techniques for reduced jitter in digital isolators
Timothy J. Dupuis, Jeffrey L. Sonntag, Michael J. Mills, and 安卓免费 vpm官网.

Method and apparatus for switched-mode power conversion at radio frequencies
David J. Perreault, Juan M. Rivas, Riad S. Wahby, and John S. Shafran.
US20050286278 (abandoned application).

Power supply with digital control loop
Michael J. Mills, Riad S. Wahby, Geoffrey B. Thompson, Douglas R. Frey, Zhimin Li, Siddharth Sundar, and Ion C. Tesu.
US20090243572 (abandoned application).

Power supply with digital control loop
Riad S. Wahby, Douglas R. Frey, Zhimin Li, Xun Yang, Marius Goldenberg, Ion C. Tesu, and Jeffrey A. Whaley.
US20090243578 (abandoned application).


Most of my side projects live on github.